Read state or data of a control.
GUICtrlRead ( controlID [, advanced] )
controlID | The control identifier (controlID) as returned by a GUICtrlCreate... function. |
advanced | [optional] returns extended information of a control. 0 = (Default) Returns a value with state or data of a control. 1 = Returns extended information of a control (see Remarks). |
Return Value
Success: | Returns depending the control (see below). |
Failure: | Returns 0. |
Type | Value |
Checkbox, Radio | state of the button. See State table |
Combo, List | The value selected |
Input, Edit | The text entered |
Button | The display text |
Date | The selected date |
Progress | Current percentage |
Slider | Current value |
Tab | The number or the controlID of the tabitem selected depending of the advanced parameter value. |
Menu, MenuItem | State of the menu/item. See State table |
TreeView | Control identifier (controlID) of the selected TreeViewItem |
TreeViewItem | State of the TreeViewItem |
ListView | Control identifier (controlID) of the selected ListViewItem. 0 means no item is selected |
Dummy | The value set by GUICtrlSendToDummy or GUICtrlSetData |
In 'advanced' mode the return value contains additional data of the control (see below).Type | Additional Value |
Checkbox, Radio | The text of the control. |
Menu, MenuItem | The text of the control. |
TreeView | The text of the current selected TreeViewItem. |
TreeViewItem | The text of the TreeViewItem. |
ListViewItem | The state of the ListViewItem if $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES exStyle used in advanced mode. See State table |
Tab | The controlID of the tabitem selected |
GUICtrlSet..., GUIGetMsg, GUIEventOptions (Option)
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
GUICreate("My GUICtrlRead") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered
$menu1 = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File")
$n1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, 10, -1, 100)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "item1|item2|item3", "item2")
$n2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Read", 10, 100, 50)
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) ; the focus is on this button
GUISetState () ; will display an empty dialog box
; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
if $msg = $n2 Then
Msgbox(0, "Selected listbox entry", GUICtrlRead($n1)) ; display the selected listbox entry
$menustate = GUICtrlRead($menu1) ; return the state of the menu item
$menutext = GUICtrlRead($menu1, 1) ; return the text of the menu item
Msgbox(0, "State and text of the menuitem", "state:" & $menustate & @LF & "text:" & $menutext)
Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE